Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Carrion flowers mysteries of Kalimantan

    Parasitic plants that live in the interior of Kalimantan, carrion flower, not only ride of life.These parasites steal DNA and can not live without being in the host.
     A giant lotus flower (Rafflesia arnoldii) which is known as "corpse flower" because it bears his name stinks like a dead body. This plant is found in the forests of Kalimantan.These obligate parasites of plants growing in a network of vines. These flowers are not able to photosynthesize.
     Interest is separate from its parent for 100 million years of evolution through the period.But they share a large part of the genome. This section looks "sucked" into. This process is similar plants and animals pass genes to their offspring.
     This finding is puzzling scientists. The research could change the thinking about the working relationship of parasites and their hosts. The researchers are still puzzled by the purpose of stealing this parasite. Some plants have changed the gene himself with "loans" that are passed from the host. However, this should result in the theft of certain benefits to the parasitic plant.
     "At first, we wondered the possibility of a subset of these genes may provide the defense of the host plant attack," says Harvard University professor, the United States, Charles Davis.
    "However, the origin of genes of interest showed extensive functions. This includes the process of respiration, metabolism, and may be useful to the defense. If the conditions are as expected, this finding may reflect a kind of camouflage genome. Can also disguise the genome for the parasite," he said as reported by of the Daily Mail.
    "Over the years, this plant has a mystery of evolution. They do not have the genetic tools, particularly genes associated with photosynthesis. Biologists have put them in vast areas of the tree of life," says David.
    According to David, this plant has been greatly reduced in number. They really have lost many genes related to the process of making your own food or photosynthesis.
    David uses the latest development tools of genomics. He has identified a plant that has the closest kinship with this giant plant. However, the findings still leaves confusion.There is a single region of interest is suspected genetic code of the host of this parasite.
    "When I realized the flowers and vines seem to be related, I find these findings," said David.
    Apparently, this parasite can not live apart from their host plants. Corpse flower is actually still alive in the host plant. 

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